Monday, June 29, 2009

Dead Video

Michael Jackson Is Dead
New song from our good old friend Jon Lajoie (known to Snotr followers from this video).






Just Dyed

I just called my mate to tell him bout the sad news.

I said "Did you hear that Michael Jackson just died"
my Friend, "What Color this time?"


Obituarty: Jackson's cardiac arrest was caused when he was electrocuted while making out with his PS3. Michael felt a strong attraction with the machine as they are both turned on by 10 year old boys

Little League

Michael Jackson had a heart attack while he was watching reruns of the Little League World Series and the excitement became too great!!!


Michael Jackson is dead. Surgery wasn’t enough, so he found a way to be even whiter

Heaven or Hell

Q. Do you think Michael Jackson will go to heaven or hell?

A: Well, due to the number of unbaptized babies, he’ll probably choose purgatory


Authorities are worried about cremating Michael Jackson. They aren't sure if the OZone layer will be able to take it

Keep your tickets

Keep your tickets, This is all a setup for the best performance of Thriller ever


Casper the Ghost has been raped

Lousy Shirt

Dream come true

First it was the Transformers movies, then the G.I. Joe movie, and now Michael Jackson dropping dead? It's every little boy's dream come true!

Door Locks

More details coming out about Michael Jackson. It seems his 13-year-old accuser testified before a grand jury that Michael had seven locks on his bedroom door. See, what happened was whenever Michael would install one lock, the kid would grow an inch taller, and he’d have to put in another one ... and then another one ... and then another one. ~ Jay Leno Quote

Michael Doll

Hear about the new Michael Jackson doll?
It comes in a little can.


Michael said to Debbie one night, "I fancy some entertainment, what shall we do?".
To which Debbie replied " I know we'll get a video".
Michael then said " Great, Ill get Aladdin".
Debbie said speedily "No Michael, You have been in trouble for that before"


Q: Did you hear Michael Jackson was married to Lisa-Marie Presley?

A: If Elvis were dead, he'd turn over in his grave.

New Generation

Q: Why did Pepsi sign up Michael Jackson for their ads?

A: Because he likes the taste of a new generation.


Q: What is the difference between Michael Jackson and a proctologist?
A: A proctologist doesn't pay for the assholes he's poked around in.

Heal The World

So many people saying Michael Jacksons death will: "HEAL THE WORLD" & "MAKE IT A BETTER PLACE FOR YOU & FOR ME & THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE"


Anyone else notice that - 'The singer and dancer Michael Jackson' is an anagram of- 'Danger as he jams a cock in ten children'?

Polystyrene Cups

Michael Jackson is to be recycled into polystyrene cups, so kids can still put their lips around his rim