Monday, June 29, 2009

Dead Video

Michael Jackson Is Dead
New song from our good old friend Jon Lajoie (known to Snotr followers from this video).






Just Dyed

I just called my mate to tell him bout the sad news.

I said "Did you hear that Michael Jackson just died"
my Friend, "What Color this time?"


Obituarty: Jackson's cardiac arrest was caused when he was electrocuted while making out with his PS3. Michael felt a strong attraction with the machine as they are both turned on by 10 year old boys

Little League

Michael Jackson had a heart attack while he was watching reruns of the Little League World Series and the excitement became too great!!!


Michael Jackson is dead. Surgery wasn’t enough, so he found a way to be even whiter

Heaven or Hell

Q. Do you think Michael Jackson will go to heaven or hell?

A: Well, due to the number of unbaptized babies, he’ll probably choose purgatory


Authorities are worried about cremating Michael Jackson. They aren't sure if the OZone layer will be able to take it

Keep your tickets

Keep your tickets, This is all a setup for the best performance of Thriller ever


Casper the Ghost has been raped

Lousy Shirt

Dream come true

First it was the Transformers movies, then the G.I. Joe movie, and now Michael Jackson dropping dead? It's every little boy's dream come true!

Door Locks

More details coming out about Michael Jackson. It seems his 13-year-old accuser testified before a grand jury that Michael had seven locks on his bedroom door. See, what happened was whenever Michael would install one lock, the kid would grow an inch taller, and he’d have to put in another one ... and then another one ... and then another one. ~ Jay Leno Quote

Michael Doll

Hear about the new Michael Jackson doll?
It comes in a little can.


Michael said to Debbie one night, "I fancy some entertainment, what shall we do?".
To which Debbie replied " I know we'll get a video".
Michael then said " Great, Ill get Aladdin".
Debbie said speedily "No Michael, You have been in trouble for that before"


Q: Did you hear Michael Jackson was married to Lisa-Marie Presley?

A: If Elvis were dead, he'd turn over in his grave.

New Generation

Q: Why did Pepsi sign up Michael Jackson for their ads?

A: Because he likes the taste of a new generation.


Q: What is the difference between Michael Jackson and a proctologist?
A: A proctologist doesn't pay for the assholes he's poked around in.

Heal The World

So many people saying Michael Jacksons death will: "HEAL THE WORLD" & "MAKE IT A BETTER PLACE FOR YOU & FOR ME & THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE"


Anyone else notice that - 'The singer and dancer Michael Jackson' is an anagram of- 'Danger as he jams a cock in ten children'?

Polystyrene Cups

Michael Jackson is to be recycled into polystyrene cups, so kids can still put their lips around his rim


Q: What's the difference between Richard Pryor and Michael Jackson?

A: Richard Pryor got burnt on coke, Michael Jackson got burnt on Pepsi!


Paulscheer has shared some of this photos taken at the Neverland Ranch Auction on flikr. Definately worth a look!

And some people wonder why some find him creepy, sheesh!

Historical First

Michaels death marks the first day that he had been stiff without a five year old boy nearby

Sunday, June 28, 2009

You know your old

Thriller Kitty

This was just cute, had to share

Pope Michael

If he were still alive he would have been the perfect candidate

Joan Crawfords Secret Son

Looks like michael may have been trying to become a joan crawford lookalike?

New Trading Card

He's not dead!

He's just gone into hiding!


Bored? Pass the time by saving the babies in the game 'THE MICHAEL JACKSON BOUNCING BABY BALCONY BUNJEE!!'A fun flash game you can spend hours and hours playing!


For a bit of fun or a cure for boredom, why not make your own Michael face at

Jesus Juice

Planet Of The Apes

Bart Simpson

Alien Vs Predator

The Many Faces of Michael

Michael isn't dead, he's just getting more work done for his reappearance next year.


Paramedics at the scene report that Michael Jackson never got his colour back

Tour Going Ahead

Michael Jackson’s UK tour will still go ahead as planned.

A spokesman said “So much of Michael was saved by the doctors after his surgical procedures that we are confident of being able to put something together.”


Q. Why was Michael Jackson considered so tough?

A. Cuz he could lick any boy in the neighborhood!!!


What Did michael jackson say to gary glitter? swap you two 5's for a 10!

Father Christmas

What have Father Christmas and Michael Jackson have in common.

They both unload their sacks in childrens bedrooms.

Box Set

Just seen that MJ is to bring out an 'ultra-exclusive one of a kind limited edition box-set' next week. Why they can't just call it a coffin I don't know.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Mr Potato Head

Reuters- Hasbro has just bought the rights to all Michael Jackson interchangable facial apparatis for the purpose of making molds for a collectible edition of Mr. Potatohead. The remainder of Jackson will be melted down and used for the Potatohead parts.


Police wanted to talk with the Doctor at MJ'S bedside but by the time the Police showed up his mother had come to pick him up and take him home.


What will be the first order of business for Michael Jackson in the afterlife? To take beauty tips from Frankenstein!


MJ Newswire - California authorities are questioning the citizenship of pop icon Michael Jackson. In a statement released by the Los Angeles coroner's office, Dr. Icut Emup stated "During the autopsy of Mr Jackson we discovered several imprints on various body parts. Among these imprints were the words Made In China, Made in Taiwan, and Fabricado en Mexico."

State authorities are refusing to release the body until undisputable proof of Jackson's origin can be secured. One state official speculated that the court might order Jackson's remains to be divided and returned to the various countries of origin."We're just not sure at this point,"

Captain Ima Cop stated. "It's quite possible that these foreign manufactuers might refuse to accept his remains." An anonymous source in the coroners office hinted that Jackson's death was probably caused by stress fatigue of the foreign made plastic components.


did u no michael jackson favourite holdiday location was in an orphage..

Glass Coffin

Michael Jackson will be buried in a glass coffin so children can see him stiff once more!

Tonya Harding

Q: Did you hear that Michael Jackson and Tonya Harding have decided to begin training racehorses together?
A: Yeah, she's gonna do all the handicapping and he's gonna ride all the three-year-olds!

Jackson 5 Tour

Why can't anyone hear the songs at the Jackson 5 reunion tours? ...................they haven't got a Mike


What do Latoya and Australia have in common? .....they will both be taking the Ashes home this summer

8 Inches

What's 8 inches long and completely useless ? ..............a Michael Jackson comeback tour ticket

Stiff & White

What is stiff and white and doesn't molest children?

Michael Jackson

Stop It

Stop with the Michael Jackson jokes! He touched me in ways I hadn't experienced since I was at a Catholic school

Wacko Jacko


Plastic Fire

Off This...

Off The Pearch

Face Transplant


History - New Cover

Is History


Dead Album





Jacks 'on' Switch

Michael Peppers

Past & Future

Light Switch

White Woman

Toe Tag

Balcony Dance


Elton John

It Was Bubbles


Like Michael Jackson always said. “Live fast, die young, leave a vaguely vietnamese looking woman’s corpse


